Thursday, May 2, 2013

Rowing Chipper Fitness Workout #82

Day 112/112

Last day of the Alpha Cycle! Congratulations!

For Time:

30 Front Squat (135/85)
Row 1000m
20 Bar-Facing Burpees
Row 500m
20 Clean and Jerk (135/85)
Row 250m
30 Box Jumps (24/20)


2 Rounds of:
50' Spiderman Lunge
10 LIGHT KB Swings
10 GHD Sit-Ups

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Nicole Fitness Workout #81

Nicole and Jolie - the original CrossFit Girls
Day 111/112

Max rounds in 20 minutes
Run 400m
Max rep pull-ups

Post Rounds and Pull-Up Reps to comments

3 Rounds total, using these reps:
30-20-10 Reps Double Unders
60s of Cobra Pose after each double under
10-15-20 Reps GHD Back Extensions

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Klepto Fitness Workout #80

Day 110/112

From earlier this week -

4 rounds for time of:
27 Box jumps, 24" box
20 Burpees
11 Squat cleans, 145 pounds

U.S. Air Force Major David "Klepto" L. Brodeur, 34, of Auburn, Massachusetts, assigned to the 11th Air Force, based at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, died on April 27, 2011 in Kabul, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained from gunfire from an Afghan military trainee. He is survived by his wife Susie, daughter Elizabeth, and son David.

10 Minutes, leisurely hip mobility...LOL (see video link)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Tosh Fitness Workout #79

Day 109/112

3 rounds of:
200m run
400m run
600m run

 *Rest as long as the previous interval took you to run. If 200m took you 45 seconds, rest 45 seconds before you run 400m.

20 Forward High Kicks, each direction
60s Squat Bridge
20 Rear High Kicks, each direction
60s Cobra Pose

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Front Squat AMRAP Fitness Workout #78

Day 108/112

AMRAP 9 Minutes
3 Front Squats (155/115)
5 KB Swings (2p/1.5p)
7 Ball Slams

3 Rounds of:
3 Wall Walk-Ups
60s Plank
60s Break

Alpha Series - Week 1, Phase 5 DELOAD

Phase Length: 2 Weeks
Sets: 1
Rep Range: 15
Load: 50% of 1RM (New 1 Rep Max)

Monday:BS / 8 Walking Lunges
Tuesday:SDHP *PP Weight / 10 Bench Dips
Wednesday:BP / 4 Clappers
Thursday:Intensity Only
Friday: PP / 4 Strict Pull-Ups
Saturday:2 Rounds, Max Push-Ups, 60s break
Sunday:5k Run

The exercises listed after the lift are to be done between each set.

Rest no less than 2 and NO MORE THAN 3 minutes following the LIFT.

BP - Bench Press
BSQT - Back Squat
C&J - Clean and Jerk
DL - Dead Lift
FSQT - Front Squat
HPC - Hang Power Clean
OHS - Overhead Squat
PC - Power Clean
PJ - Push Jerk
PP - Push Press
SDHP - Sumo Deadlift, High Pull

Click here for additional phases