Thursday, April 11, 2013

Pull-Up and Dumbbell Fitness Workout #67

Day 93/112


For Time:
Pull-Ups 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
DB Clean 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 (40/20)*



For 10 Minutes work on "Bridge Ups"

If you already have a good bridge up, work on bridge up and kick over.

- Lie flat on your back
- Bend arms and put them on the ground by your ears, with forearm vertical to the floor
- Bend knees and bring your feet in, placing feet flat on the ground
- Press through shoulders and drive through hips to to raise your body off the floor
- Reach full extension in the hips with legs straight as you push your head through your arms
- Finish the bridge up with arms vertical to the floor and the rest of the body in full extension

Note: You can scale this exercise by placing feet flat on a higher surface (step, box, wall) and/or have a partner stand by your hands to spot your shoulders on the press up.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Annie Are You OK Fitness Workout #66

Day 92/112

Annie Are You OK?
21/15/9 reps of the following exercises:
Row (For Calories)
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull (53#/35#)
Thrusters (95#/65#)
Medicine Ball Clean (20#/14#)
Wall Balls (20#/14#)

2 Rounds of:
Max Handstand Walk
10 GHD Sit-Ups
2 Complete Skin-the-Cats (back and then forward again)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Deadlift and HSPU Fitness Workout #65

Day: 91/112

12,9,6,3 RFT of:
Deadlift (255/185)

20 Forward High Kicks. each side
20 Backwards High Kicks, each side
60s Samson Stretch, each side

Monday, April 8, 2013

Farmer's Carry Fitness Workout #64

Day 90/112

3 Rounds For Time of:
400m Farmer's Carry (90/50 - 2x Bumpers)
15 Wall Balls (20/14)
30 Double Unders

20 Back Extensions
10 High Kicks, each leg
20 GHD Sit-Ups
10 Wall Walk-Ups

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Nasty Girls Fitness Workout #63

CrossFit in Wichita, KS SVGFIT

Day 89/112 

Nasty Girls
Complete three rounds for time of:
50 air squats
7 muscle-ups
10 hang power cleans (135/95)

Find a partner and get a green band. Complete 2 rounds of:
Partner Resisted Band Runs w/ sandbag 50m
60s Samson Stretch, each direction
Rest 60s

Alpha Series - Week 3, Phase 3

Phase Length: 3 Weeks
Sets: 3
Rep Range: 3
Load: 85-90% 1RM (1 Rep Max)

Monday:FSQT / 6 K2E
Tuesday:Snatch Balance / 2 OHS @ Weight
Wednesday:Intensity Only
Thursday:Shoulder Press / 3 strict Pull-Up
Friday:DL / 10 Hollow Rocks
Saturday:5m AMRAP, 50' Bear Crawl
Sunday:5k Run

The exercises listed after the lift are to be done between each set.

Rest no less than 2 and NO MORE THAN 3 minutes following the LIFT.

BP - Bench Press
BSQT - Back Squat
C&J - Clean and Jerk
DL - Dead Lift
FSQT - Front Squat
GSQT - Goblet Squat
HPC - Hang Power Clean
OHS - Overhead Squat
OTB - Over The Back w/ Sandbag
PC - Power Clean
PJ - Push Jerk
PP - Push Press
SDHP - Sumo Deadlift, High Pull

Click here for additional phases