Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sprint For It Fitness Workout #51

Day 72/112

AMRAP, 10 Minutes
5 Deadlift (185/135)
100m Sprint

2 Rounds of:
3 Man-Makers
Max Wall-Sit

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tabata This Fitness Workout #50

Day 71/112

“Tabata This!”
Tabata Row
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Pull-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Sit-up

For twenty seconds do as many reps of the assigned exercise as you can - then rest 10 seconds.

Repeat this seven more times for a total of 8 intervals, 4 minutes total exercise.

The score is the least number of reps for any of the eight intervals.

Max Bar Dead-hang*
60s Squat Bridge
Max Parallette L-Sit
60s Plow Pose

*Hang from the pull-up bar, full arm extension, for as long as possible

Monday, March 18, 2013

Two'fer Fitness Workout #49

Day 70/112


5 Rounds for time of:
2-for-1 Wall Balls, 15 Reps
12 Knees to Elbow
9 Push-Press (95/65)
6 Bar Facing Burpees

50' Broad Jump
60s Right Side Spiderman Lunge and hold
60s Left Side Spiderman Lunge and hold
50' Bear Crawl

Mobility WOD# 142 - WORK YOUR IT BAND!!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Running, Lunging, Swinging, Jumping Fitness Workout #48

Day 69/112


3 Rounds for time of:
Run 300 meters
100 meter Walking lunge
50 KB Swings (1p / ,5p)
50 Double Unders


2 Rounds of:
1 Skin the Cat
4 Strict Pull-Ups
6 Spiderman Lunge and Hold, 6 seconds
20 Pass Throug

Alpha Series - Week 5, Phase 2

Phase Length: 5 Weeks
Sets: 4
Rep Range: 8-10
Load: 75-80% 1RM (1 Rep Max)

Monday:SDHP / 5 Plyo Push-Ups
Wednesday:Snatch Press / 3 OHS
Thursday:BSQT / 4 K2E
Friday:BP / 6 Clappers
Saturday:30 Turkish Get-Ups
Sunday:Row 5k

The exercises listed after the lift are to be done between each set.

Rest no less than 2 and NO MORE THAN 3 minutes following the LIFT.

BP - Bench Press
BSQT - Back Squat
C&J - Clean and Jerk
DL - Dead Lift
FSQT - Front Squat
GSQT - Goblet Squat
HPC - Hang Power Clean
OHS - Overhead Squat
OTB - Over The Back w/ Sandbag
PC - Power Clean
PJ - Push Jerk
PP - Push Press
SDHP - Sumo Deadlift, High Pull

Click here for additional phases