CrossFit Links

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Ring Push-Up Fitness Workout #198

Day 1/56

EMOM, 8 Minutes
Weighted Pull-Ups*

During the first minute, do max UB (unbroken) pull-ups with no weight. Add weight in consecutive rounds by holding a dumbbell between your feet. Every minute, on the minute add weight with a target of your original, UB round.

EMOM, 5 Minutes:
5 Strict Press (95/65)

5 Rounds for Time of:
5 Ring Push-Ups
10 Toes-to-Bar
15 Sandbag Squats (60/40)*

*Take a sandbag and sling it over your shoulder or across your back - do squats. If you don't have a sandbag, use a bumper plate.

Up to 400m Overhead Carry (45/25 bumper)*

*Just hold the bumper over your head and walk as far as you can without dropping it/putting it down.

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