CrossFit Links

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Clean Ladder Fitness Workout #174

Day 73/112

In 7 Minute Squat Clean Ladder:

Starting at 95/65 pounds, go as high on the following ladder as possible:

95 / 65
105 / 75
115 / 85
135 / 95
155 / 115
185 / 135
205 / 145
225 / 155
245 / 165

Continue in this manner by adding 20/10 pounds each rep.

Once time has elapsed, rest 2:00 minutes then;

30 Burpee Pull-Ups

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2 Rounds of:
60s Wall Smasher Sit-Ups*
10 Spiderman Lunges
60s Plank
10 GHD Sit-Ups

*Wall Smasher Sit-Ups - get in the sit-up position with your toes touching a wall. With a slam ball in your hands, sit-up and slam the ball into the wall, catching it on its return and move back to the down position of the sit-up. This is one rep.

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