Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Thanksgiving Day Workout:

PRIOR to your over-eating Thanksgiving Feast:

10k Run

Post time and CALORIES BURNED to comments.


CrossFit Wichita Athlete of the Month for Nov 2012 - Ashley Nicole Johnson

Ashley Nicole Johnson
Ashley Nicole Johnson
Happy Thanksgiving, my fellow Savages! Today we have an interview with the CrossFit Wichita Athlete of the Month for November of 2012: Ashley Nicole Johnson!!

Every time I do a SVG interview, I'm always pleasantly surprised at what avenues lead people to CrossFit. Ashley, as you will read below, was more of an adventure enthusiast before she came to CrossFit Wichita. She had a slight advantage in that she has lifted quite a bit in her past life - but never in the fashion she's found at CrossFit Wichita!

So READ ON, Savages and help me in congratulating Ashley and check out her interview below!

Matt: OK, Ashley - Tell the Savages a little bit about yourself. What do you do for fun? What do you do? Where did you go to school? Anything like that.

Ashley: Well first off, what a neat honor to be asked to be a part of this! So thank you! For fun, I'm pretty active. I play tennis in my spare time. Last season, I played on 2 USTA team. I'm no pro, but it's still fun!

I like those fun 5K runs: the tough mudder, color splash [run], holiday runs... especially if there are few friends doing it. Scuba diving is also on my list of activities!

My boyfriend and I just finished our Advanced Open Water certification in Jamaica last month! I also enjoy my pups! My boyfriend and I have an English Mastiff and a mutt - I think he's part Great Dane, Part lab, but there's some debate in the house whether he's Great Dance or Grey hound..

I'm a Midwest girl, growing up in Nebraska (GO HUSKERS!), Oklahoma, and Kansas. Graduated from K-State with a background in Dietetics and studied International Business at WSU. I know these two have no correlation to each other, but two of my interests none-the-less. Now I work for Learjet - Bombardier as the training coordination for the L85 composite aircraft.

Matt: How did you get interested in CrossFit?

Ashley: My boyfriend, Jeff. I've always been a lifter, with little cardio (aside from tennis). I would get burnt out frequently and stop, then start up again. Jeff is a former Marine and suggested I try it, so I found CrossFit Wichita and fell in love. There's not a chance getting burnt out with this stuff. It's always changing and always a challenge.

Matt: What is your fitness background? Are you a certified trainer? Any plans to get a CrossFit certification?

Ashley: Fitness... In high school, I was a cheerleader (they do make you stay in the shape for that!), and also played tennis. I started lifting weights with my dad pretty young, too, so that's always been there. I taught fitness classes at the Y for a while, but I didn't carry a CPT. I've thought about getting certified for CrossFit, but I need to be a student for a little longer... I'm still pretty new to this.

Matt: Do you have any opinion (positive or negative) on the attention women get in the CrossFit community?

Ashley: I think it's great! They, we, are strong. We are given challenges to push ourselves and we are succeeding while growing even stronger!

Matt: What are your goals with CrossFit and how has your progress been so far?

Ashley and boyfriend Jeff at the Tough Mudder
Ashley and boyfriend Jeff at the Tough Mudder
Ashley: Right now my goals are to correct my form in my lifts. I always thought myself to pretty flexible, under I was given a bar and told to go low, very low. I'm working on it. My progress has definitely showed off in tennis! My stamina is awesome, and my power has increased. My times are getting better on the WODS, and I definitely feel better as a whole!

Matt: What are some of the biggest gains you've seen with CrossFit so far (doesn't have to be physical gains; i.e. attitude, finding a family of fitness lovers, etc)

Ashley: I've touched a little on the physical already, but I have made some great friends in the gym!! Mollie, in particular, is such the motivated (but I bet she doesn't know that! She makes sure I am up with her at 5 AM working out. I usually protest the time, but I'm always glad she's pushed me. It's so neat to the girls in the gym keeping up the boys sometimes! I would definitely the gym is a family.

Matt: Zone or Paleo or "I eat what I want"?

Ashley: Primal!! I love cheese too much. And I have a fatal nut allergy so Paleo is a bit harder for me to follow - no coconut or almond oils, no raw almonds, etc. I didn't start primal until I started CF, and those two combined have made a huge difference on my body composition.

Matt: How do you describe CrossFit to the "uninitiated"; to those who have no idea what the sport of fitness is all about?

Ashley: Woo! Intense at times, but self-challenging and definitely self-rewarding. We use weights but not machines. Lots up pull-ups, squats, sit-ups, push-ups, wall balls, sprints, running, kettlebells, FUN! :D

I'm not sure if I just made it sound fun, but it really is.

Matt: Have you participated in any events recently you feel CrossFit really helped get you through it?

Ashley: Definitely!! Again with tennis, but Jeff and I just completed the 12-something mile Tough Mudder. I'm not saying I rocked the socks off of it, but there's no way I could have completed the obstacles and finished the way that I did, let alone complete it at all, if it wasn't for CrossFit. It was super tough, but fun (for the first 8 miles... :p)! CrossFit helped me prepare in more ways that I anticipated with all of my muscles being challenged at all times.

Matt: Anything coming up, competition-wise you're looking forward to?

The caption on Facebook says:
 "...if you're not making a stupid face, you're not working hard enough!"
Ashley: I don't have anything on the calendar right now, but I'm thinking about doing another Tough Mudder with Jeff. It's not really a competition with others so much as it is within. Definitely mind and body testing.
That's it for this Athlete interview! We didn't get any stats from Ashley yet, but I will post them when we do get them - we do know she's an all around stellar athlete who lifts, CrossFits, plays tennis, runs in obstacle races and scuba dives!

Keep it up Ashley, and Stay Savage, My Friends!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Suspended for Fighting Bad - Turkey Day Traveling Workouts, Wednesday

Overeating this Thanksgiving? Yes, we thought so. Take some tips from SVG FIT to get off your ass this Turkey Day!
I'll admit it (like any other CrossFitter), I'm a glutton for punishment. I hear things like burpees and gasser and it makes me cringe - but I do it, because, in the long run, I enjoy it!

Well, "Fight Gone Bad" is one of those cringe moments for me and many other CrossFit athletes out there mainly because you know that no matter how fast you go, no matter how many reps you do, it is still going to be one minute of each exercise and the workout is going to be 17 minutes of agony. 

Well, "Fight Gone Bad" cannot be done outside of the gym, so we're going to convert it to a Turkey Day workout with our suspension trainer!!

Stay Savage, My Friends!

fight gone bad wod
Fight gone bad? Oh yes. 
Suspended for Fighting Bad
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. We've used this in 3 and 5 round versions. The stations are:

Suspension Squat and Row
Jump Squats
Suspension Tricep Extension
Box Jump
( Find a 12 - 18" object and do Jump Overs if no box)
Suspension Knees to Elbows

The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate," the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for the best possible score. One point is given for each rep of each exercise.

Post your score for all combined reps to comments

21 NOV 2012 - Run, HSPU, Burpees, Pull-Ups

CrossFit Handstand Kettlebell
Um. Yea. Go for it.
For Time:
1 Mile Run
20 Burpees
30 Pull-Ups

3 Rounds of:
5 Kick-Up Handstands
30s Rest
10s L-Sit (w/ parallettes)

Turkey Day Traveling Workouts - Tuesday

Are you among the millions of Americans who will be traveling this holiday weekend?

If so, be sure to take your suspension trainer with you! Follow SVG FIT for daily Turkey Dinner-busting workouts you can do with little or no equipment!!

As many of you know, I have been doing a  lot of suspension training since I deployed to Afghanistan last year. I love it! Most of the exercises are simple and all of them are scale-able. It is hard to fit them into the typical CrossFit WOD, but I have posted a lot of my "Reset" work using suspension trainers.

Want something to tryout today??

 Tuesday's Suspension WOD:
 3 Rounds For Reps:
 Suspended Push-Ups
 Suspended Mountain Climbers
 Suspended Lat Pull-Downs
 Suspended Pike
 Rest 90 Seconds

Inst: Complete as many exercises as you can of each listed. When you cannot continue the exercise IMMEDIATELY move on to the next exercise in the series.

Count the TOTAL REPS from each exercise across the three rounds as your score.

I get mine here - - They are just about as inexpensive as you can get. It's actually hard to make it yourself much cheaper!

If you get one, be sure to tell them Matt at SVG FIT sent you!

If you don't have a suspension trainer for this week, MAKE ONE! Here's how

I DO NOT recommend using this forever. I strongly encourage you to buy a professionally built one. This will get you through if you do not have one right now, but when you get the chance, spend the $25 and buy one from Steve over at Woss Enterprises.

Monday, November 19, 2012

20 NOV 2012 - EMOM Weighted Box Jumps and Sprints

EMOM 15 Minutes
3 Weighted Box Jump (1p / .5p)
20m Sprint

2 rounds of:
50' Bear Crawl
10 Suspended Mountain Climbers
10 Landmine Thrusters (45/25)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

19 NOV 2012 - Deadlift, KB C&J, Box Jumps

For Time:
21-15-9 of:
Deadlift (225/155)
KB Clean and Jerk (1.5p / 1p)
Box Jump (24/20)

30 Hollow Rocks
60s Squat Bridge
20 Push-Ups
60s Plow Pose
10 Ring Rows
60s Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose

Week 1, Phase 2 - SVG Heavy Work

The HEAVY WORK section goes hand-in-hand with the INTENSITY portion of the Daily Workout. Our WODs should NOT BE taken piecemeal as the components all make up our complete routine. Click here for more information on HEAVY WORK.

Week 1, Phase 2
Phase Length: 5 Weeks
Sets: 4
Rep Range: 8-10
Load: 70-80% 1RM (1 Rep Max)

Monday:DL / 10 Sit-Ups w/ 15lbs
Tuesday:PJ / 6 Jump Squats, 6 Push-Up
Wednesday:Rest Day
Thursday:FSQT / 15 Hollow Rock
Friday:BP / 5 Clapping Push-Ups
Saturday:Snatch / 6 K2E, 6 PVC OHS
Sunday:Rest Day

The exercises listed after the lift are to be done between each set.

Rest no less than 2 and NO MORE THAN 3 minutes following the LIFT.

BP - Bench Press
BSQT - Back Squat
C&J - Clean and Jerk
DL - Dead Lift
FSQT - Front Squat
GSQT - Goblet Squat
HPC - Hang Power Clean
OHS - Overhead Squat
PC - Power Clean
PJ - Push Jerk
PP - Push Press

Click here for additional phases