Friday, March 16, 2012

17 MAR 2012 - Bench Press, Push-Press, Clapping Push-Ups, Inverted Ring Rows

Bench Press
10 Clapping Push-Ups between sets

Push Press
5 Inverted Ring-Rows between sets
Use the Phase information to the right for reps and weight --->

Rest Day

5 Rounds of:
L-Sit, 30 Seconds total
10 Strict Toes-to-Bar
20 Hollow Rock
Center Splits, 2 minute hold

Inverted Ring Row

Thursday, March 15, 2012

16 MAR 2012 - Death By Box Jump and Shuttle Sprint

Overhead Squat
5 Diamond Push-Ups between sets
5 Snatch between sets

See the Phase information in the Heavy section in the right pane --->

On the minute for 20 minutes, Death By:
Odd minutes: Box Jumps (24/20)
Even minutes: 10m shuttle sprint

Minute 1: 1 Box Jump
Minute 2: 2 10m Shuttle Sprints
Minute 3: 3 Box Jumps
Minute 4: 4 10m Shuttle Sprints

8 Manmakers (45/25lbs)
8 Turkish Get-Ups (45/25lbs)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

15 MAR 2012 - CF Games Open WOD 12.4

Rest Day

CF Games 2012 Open WOD 12.4
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups

3 Rounds, 10 Reps of:
Wall Kick-Ups*
Walking Lunge
Dive Bomber Push-Ups

*Wall Kick-Ups: This is a handstand, but keep your hands planted on the ground. Kick up to the handstand for one rep

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

14 MAR 2012 - KB Swings, SDHP, Overhead Walking Lunges

5 Knees to Elbows between sets
10 Hollow Rocks between sets

Follow the Phase information to the right for reps, sets, and load.

5 Rounds for Time of:
20 Unbroken Kettlebell Swings* (1.5p/1p)
15 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (1.5p/1p)
10 Overhead Weighted Walking Lunges (45/25)

*Unbroken kettlebell swings - for each set in which you take a break, this counts as a penalty.

Penalty - each penalty is 3 Burpee Pull-Ups

Post total time, including PENALTY reps, to comments.

10 Wall Walk-Ups
10 Downward Dogs, 15 second hold
10 Sampson Stretch, 15 second hold
20 GHD Sit-Ups

13 MAR 2012 - AMRAP, KB Box Jumps, Wallballs, Double Unders

5 Clapping Push-Ups between sets

Clean and Jerk
5 Ball Slams between sets

In this Heavy, follow the Phase guide to the right. Rest between 60 and 90 seconds between sets. If you are in Phase 1, this boils down to 8 sets of Cleans (4 + 4) and 4 sets of Jerk with a supplemental exercise between each lift

AMRAP, 10 Minutes
5 KB Box Jumps (24/20 & 1p / .5p)*
10 Wall Balls (20/12)
20 Double Unders

*KB Box Jumps - hold the horns of the kettlebell up near your chest. Perform a box jump. This is one rep.

Post number of completed rounds to comments.

800m Jog
10 High Kicks (each leg)
10 Figure-8 Kicks (each leg)
10 Wall Walk-Ups

Monday, March 12, 2012

Format Changes

Changing the format up a little bit from here on out. Two reasons behind the change: first, for the new person, it might not be clear why I split up "work", the "WOD" and the "post" the way I do. The second reason is quite simply to distinguish our programming and, perhaps more succinctly explain what I hope to accomplish.

I have found that leaving the "WOD" separate from the rest of the daily workout led people to believe they were not tied together. In otherwords, people participating in the program were inclined to leave out the work portion of the daily workout and skip right to the (formerly) "WOD".
I will begin today posting the workouts as follows:

Base - The Base is the warm-up which you should do everyday, down day or not. Keep the body moving and limber. This may not be posted everyday; usually only on the days I feel it would be prudent to address specific areas.

Heavy - This combines two of the elements of fitness; Strength and Power and is the weight lifting portion of the workout. While the format is not STATIC each week, these basic elements will be included. As an example:
  • Monday - Upper Body / Overhead
  • Tuesday - Shoulders / Arms
  • Wednesday - Abdominals / Hips / Glutes
  • Thursday - Down Day
  • Friday - Upper Body / Overhead
  • Saturday - Legs / Abdominals
  • Sunday - Shoulders / Arms
The cycle will always be 3 days of work, 1 down day.

Intensity - This element is the portion of the workout that gets your heart pumping and the blood flowing. In the Intensity section, the workout of the day is set around several general aspects of physical fitness including: cardiovascular endurance, speed, stamina, agility, balance, accuracy, and coordination.

Generally speaking this part of the workout will be AMRAP (as many rounds as possible), AFAP (as fast as possible), the Tabatas, etc. Look to this section for the endorphin injection!

Reset - The reset portion of the workout is designed to address the necessary cool down and typically will focus on opening up the core, maintaining flexibility in the joints, and providing general maintenance for major joint structures.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask in the comments below!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

12 MAR 2012 - "JT"

5 Rounds of:
4 Kettlebell Snatch (heavy)
6 Kettlebell Split Squat Jumps
8 Kettlebell Chops (either arm)

21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips

10 Around The Worlds (both directions)
1000m Easy Row
Max Reps Clapping Push-Ups

11 MAR 2012 - "Michael"

Internet was down out here in Afghanistan yesterday...posting this for continuity!

EMOM for 10 Minutes
2 Overhead Squats*

*Start at lower, but substantial weight. Work up to body weight on the last set.

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions (on the GHD!)
50 Sit-ups

2 Rounds of:
10 Sampson Stretch
10 Bend and Bounce
10 Clapping Push-Ups