Happy August to everyone out there in SVG Land!
Today SVG FIT is interviewing the CrossFit Wichita Athlete of the Month for August 2012, Sam McMillin! I have been privileged enough to have known Sam since he started CrossFit just a few years ago and all I can say about his AOM award is that it’s WELL DESERVED! So sit back, grab some water, and take a read on how Sam came to be a part of the CrossFit community, CrossFit Wichita, and a super athlete!

Sam: I came into CrossFit two ways, one was the Paleo diet and the other was my little brother. Shortly after adopting a Paleo lifestyle I started to see Crossfit mentioned in blogs, message boards and podcasts. This got me curious since the whole "functional fitness" model goes hand in hand with an ancestral way of living.
I had discussed Crossfit a couple times with my brother Taylor and he was pretty interested as well. He discovering a Crossfit gym in Wichita and ended up sending me an email with a link to Crossfit Wichita (then Blackhawk Fitness) asking if I would like to check it out with him. We scheduled a time to swing by, tasted the cool-aid and have been going ever since.
I really enjoy the atmosphere and challenge that Crossfit presents. I like the challenge set forth by having a different workout every time you walk through the doors. The competition and support from fellow CrossFitters is pretty awesome too. CrossFit has helped me to attain the ever evolving goal of getting stronger, faster and healthier.
Matt: The coaches at CrossFit Wichita have named you the Athlete of the Month for August! Congratulations! What does this mean to you as an athlete at their box?
Sam: I'm pretty flattered to be chosen considering the amount of talented athletes that we have at Crossfit Wichita.
Matt: So how long have you been a CrossFitter?
Sam: I started Crossfit in March of 2011. Up until coming in to CrossFit I had almost no exposure to any type of free weight lifting and couldn't do more than one pull-up. CrossFit has given me a new passion for power/Olympic lifting and a reinforced hatred of Wall Balls and Burpees =)
Matt: Getting started in a truly effective CrossFit schedule can mean making that extra effort to fit it in whenever you can. Three days on, one day off can be time consuming at the best of times. A lot of people mitigate this by doing some workouts in their garage and “share” workout time at the gym. For you, what does a “normal week” look like in your training regimen?
Sam: I go to Crossfit 3 times a week normally doing the WOD and usually incorporate some extra heavy work and skill work after the prescribed workout. I generally walk 2-5 miles every day, might jog 2-3 miles one to two times a week and usually throw in a day for sprints once a week. I try to work on my active recovery during my "rest" days which includes foam rolling, using a Lacrosse ball to really grind on those tight spots, stretching and usually some body weight stuff.
Matt: You are currently not certified with CrossFit, but clearly know your lifts and techniques! Are you anticipating becoming a Level 1 certified CrossFit Coach anytime in the future?
Sam: I have been considering getting my Crossfit Football lv1 cert in October. They will be offering a camp in Oklahoma City which will relatively easy to get to.
Matt: It is apparent to the coaches and staff at CrossFit Wichita that you are making some significant gains through their training program. CrossFit being the “sport of fitness” implies by its name alone there will be competitions and events in which you compete. Do you have any plans to compete in CrossFit competitions in the future?
Sam: Depending on how I feel my fitness level is come January I am considering competing in The Shops Winter Games
Matt: What can you tell us about your experience with CrossFit Wichita?
Sam: I have had nothing but a positive experience with Crossfit Wichita, the athletes and staff are great.
Matt: CrossFit is a worldwide phenomenon and has EXPLODED across the United States. There are cities the size of Wichita with three and four CrossFit affiliates packed to capacity. Wichita has not seen the same BOOM in interest as other parts of the country. Why do you think that is?
Sam: I think that people are so ingrained with the idea that you can only get healthy by spending hours in a gym doing isolation exercises or spinning yourself out doing hours of cardio that they idea of functional fitness and workouts only lasting minutes seem crazy.
I do feel with the popularity that Crossfit is gaining due to the games and Reeboks sponsorship that it is going to get bigger in Wichita.
Matt: Sam, let’s talk about the nuts and bolts of your CrossFit training. PRs or Personal Record (lifts, times, etc). Where did you start and what was your last PR for these CrossFit benchmarks?
Sam McMillin
6' tall, 188lbs, 33 y/o
Favorite WOD: Anything with heavy back squat or any variation of a clean
Least favorite WOD: Anything over 15 minutes =)
Start - 9 rounds + 5 push-ups (subbed jumping pull-ups) / Last PR - 19 rounds + 5 pull-ups Rx
Start - 48:53 (subbed banded pull-ups) / Last PR - 34:26 Rx
Back Squat:
Start – 205lbs / Last PR – 315lbs
Start – 135lbs / Last PR – 205lbs
Start – 250lbs / Last PR – 375lbs
Front Squat:
Start – 125lbs / Last PR – 235lbs
Push Press:
Start – 95lbs / Last PR – 145lbs
Matt: Sam, I wanted to just take the time to again say THANK YOU for taking the time to meet with SVG FIT and CONGRATULATIONS again on winning the Athlete of the Month at CrossFit Wichita
Before and After CrossFit and Paleo; RESULTS ARE TYPICAL!
Want more information on CrossFit Wichita? Call or drop by:
(316) 390-4149
535 S. St. Francis
Wichita, Ks. 67202
Or via the web:
Photography courtesy of Emily Karen Photography
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