CrossFit Links

Thursday, August 23, 2012

23 AUG 2012 - Ring Dips, Dumbbell Clean

For Time:
10 Ring Dips
1 Dumbbell Clean (45/25)
9 Ring Dips
2 Dumbbell Clean
8 Ring Dips
3 Dumbbell Clean
7 Ring Dips
4 Dumbbell Clean
6 Ring Dips
5 Dumbbell Clean
5 Ring Dips
6 Dumbbell Clean
4 Ring Dips
7 Dumbbell Clean
3 Ring Dips
8 Dumbbell Clean
2 Ring Dips
9 Dumbbell Clean
1 Ring Dips
10 Dumbbell Clean

2 Rounds of:
10 Landmine Toes to Barbell (45/25)*
60s Downward Dog Pose
10 Landmine Bus Drivers (25/0)*

* This is the size of plate or bumper to put on the barbell, not the total weight.

1 comment:

  1. Went into this thinking it was going to be a 5-7 minute WOD. Quickly discovered it's a 10 minute WOD which I finished in 13:19 :)
